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We have 110 mechanics who are available all year round.
Our teams receive regular training, particularly in new technologies, and are able to work on the full range of vehicles and equipment that we offer.
Our workshop foreman plays a key role in guaranteeing you receive the quality service you deserve.
Our 16 self-service units contain a large database of original and adaptable replacement parts, just ask!
Limiting your inputs and your costs is our number one objective. Nowadays, SatNav solutions offer precision of up to 2 cm and enable you to generate significant savings on crop cultivation.
ITT Vimo provides an RTK signal network to obtain the highest level of precision over its territory, even when using a competitor brand console.
If you want to sign up or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Drones are becoming an essential tool in the farming world. With so many possible applications, why not contact your Vimo specialist directly to find out what drones could do for your business?
We use drones to provide you with the service tailored directly to your needs. Our partners can use drones, and other technologies, to collect data on your land.
This data is then analysed and can be used by your fertilization tools to optimize your farm’s productivity.
In addition to these automated solutions, we offer a free diagnosis by our precision agriculture specialist.
Jean Alexandre GUILLOTTE